Take Your Child to Work Day is almost here! It’s on Thursday, April 28 to be exact.
This year, 3.5 million companies are expected to participate. Will your company be one of them?
Now, you might be thinking, “We can’t have kids in the workplace! That’s crazy!” Well, on most days, we’d agree with you there. But this is a special day!
We ask you to take a minute to remember back in the day when you were just a little sprout and got to go to work with your
parent(s). Remember how exciting that was to pretend to write memos on the typewriter? Or maybe you never got to go and always wanted to! Either way, we think Take Your Child To Work Day is an important initiative to support at your company.
Did you know? Take Your Child to Work Day (officially named “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day”) was first observed in 1993 as a way to teach daughters about career opportunities. Since then it has evolved, and now both sons and daughters are able to participate in order to learn about the workplace (and what it is exactly that Mommy and Daddy do all day).
While there are some considerations to be made (see our infographic below), we suggest your company participate. Participating in Take Your Child to Work Day can be a huge morale builder for your employees.
As the HR experts, we know that a large percentage of American employees wish for a better work/life balance. Allowing your employees to partake in the festivities solidifies your company’s commitment to that balance and to your employees’ families.
As an added bonus, market it well enough and your participation has the potential to show your customers, clients, and other stakeholders your dedication to family, community, and education. (Win/win!)
So to help you out, we’ve made a handy infographic to ensure you have a successful day!