Summer is here!
Okay, it’s not officially here yet. But it’s past Memorial Day, and that’s good enough for us.
The pools are open. Our children are off school. And the sunshine is slowing making its way into our lives again.
Obviously, we’re ready for the season. You probably are too. But is your business?
There’s a lot to consider in the business world during the summer months, especially on the HR-side of things.
But no need to worry. We’ve compiled a checklist for tackling all things HR this season. Don’t forget: if you need help or want to learn more about anything we mention, click on the links provided to view our previous blog posts on the subjects!
Without further ado, here’s your ultimate summer HR checklist:
Dress code
1. Do you have a summer dress code policy?
With summer comes warm weather, and with warm weather comes different clothing. So having season-specific dress code policies is important. After all, you don’t want your employees meeting clients in bikinis or swim trunks. Okay, that’s probably a stretch. But necklines can plunge and shorts can show up, so you want employees to know what is acceptable. If you don’t have one already, you may consider creating a summer dress code policy. Don’t forget to communicate the policy to your employees!
Seasonal Help
2. Have you considered taking on seasonal help or interns?
With students out for summer, it’s the ideal time for companies to add temporary employees. If your company could use a little help, you may consider hiring seasonal employees or an intern. Hey, who knows? You may even decide to keep those employees after the summer nights have faded (Aw, too soon!)
3. Does your internship or seasonal help plan meet regulations?
We get a lot of questions around this time about the legalities of summer interns. And for good reason. When it comes to pay (or lack of) there’s a lot of rules to follow. If you’re taking on new employees, you want to ensure that your company meets regulations concerning hiring minors, internship pay, and more. Lucky for you, we’ve got two great blogs to help:
Summer Internships & Affordable Care Act Compliance
Are Unpaid Internships Worth The Risk
Employee Engagement and Wellness
4. Is your workplace prepared for the summer heat?
One great thing about summer is the weather. But sometimes the heat can be not so great. Rising temperatures can create hazards and health risks. You should take care to prevent heat-related hazards at your workplace. Additionally, the heat can have a negative effect on employee motivation. A good way to help your employees push through the summer brain drain is to have activities or flexible options planned. Read our past blog for a lot of fun ideas.
5. Have you planned a seasonal teambuilding event?
We may have mentioned the great weather a few times by now. (Can you tell we love summer?) Along with other benefits, the sunshine and warmth provide a great backdrop for a fun teambuilding activity. Picnics are the classic choice. But whatever works best for your company and employees is great. Spending time together outdoors will strengthen your culture and help keep employees engaged.
8. Have you considered updating your wellness program?
Not all companies have a wellness program. But if your company does, summer can be a great time to add a few fun activities. You can add outdoor sports or activities to something as simple as walking together through the neighborhood. Decide what works best for your company and your employees and implement.
7. Are flexible scheduling options available for your employees?
We mentioned our children being off from school. This can make work/life balance more difficult. You may want to consider flexible work weeks and telecommuting options to accommodate. For example, we know a company that allows employees to work an extra hour Monday through Thursday so that they can leave at noon on Fridays from Memorial Day to Labor Day. This helps make weekend travel easier, accommodates kid’s sports (especially those who travel) and gives an afternoon without needing childcare. Decide what sort of option, if any, would work best for your company and your employees.
8. Do you have plans for any summer HR housecleaning tasks?
We all know “spring cleaning” is a thing. But truth is, work can sometimes slow in the summer months. This can open your schedule for those HR housekeeping tasks you’ve been putting off, such as reviewing or updating HR policies, organizational tasks or the ever fun record retention regulations. Make a plan to work on a few of these subjects and maybe consider making it an annual event.
Managing Vacations
9. Have you informed employees of your vacation rules?
First off, let’s not forget summer holidays such as July 4th and Labor Day. You want to remind employees of the time off they’ll be receiving for those days. (Especially since July 4th falls on a Saturday this year). Also, you want to review and inform employees of your vacation policies. This could include any policies regarding blackout dates, request deadlines, and PTO. And how will you manage the requests? Be sure to come up with a procedure that works for you and relay it to all employees.
10. Have you planned your vacation yet?
So let’s see… Policies in place. Check! New hire plans. Check! Employee engagement plans. Check! Anything left?
Yes! Don’t forget your own vacation!
We know how hard it is for business owners to allow themselves a break. But trust us, your employees will be fine. And you will get a much-needed recharge. If you need more convincing, we give more reasons to start packing over on this blog.
There you go – take your Summer HR Checklist for Small Business Owners and get to it! (Or call us, and we’ll handle it all for you)
What do you have planned to accomplish this summer in your business?