HR Alerts For September 2017
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EEO-1 Pay Data Reporting Suspended Indefinitely
The Office of Management and Budget put an indefinite hold on the pay data collection portion of the EEO-1 form that was revised on September 29, 2016. The version in effect prior to September 2016, which collects data on race, ethnicity, and gender by occupational category, remains in effect.
The EEO-1 form only applies to private employers with 100 or more employees and public contractors with 50 or more employees. Affected employers should plan to submit the earlier-approved EEO-1 by the previously-set filing date of March 2018.
Contractors May Use EEO-1 SnapShot for Vets-4212
Federal contractors required to file VETS-4212, which collects information on contractors’ affirmative actions for veterans, will be permitted to use the same data collection window they use for the new EEO-1 report, according to law firm Jackson Lewis.
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) generally requires that contractors use data from between July 1 and Aug. 31 for VETS-4212, the firm says. And new EEO-1 requirements from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) have employers collecting data between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31.
To alleviate some of the burden, an employment law group asked DOL whether it would accept data from that later window, and DOL consented.
OSHA Revises Its Online Whistleblower Complaint Form
OSHA recently revised its online whistleblower complaint form to help users file a complaint with the appropriate agency. The form provides workers with another option for submitting retaliation complaints to the U.S. Department of Labor’s OSHA.
The updated form guides individuals as they file a complaint through the process, providing essential questions at the beginning so they can better understand and exercise their rights under relevant laws. One significant improvement to the system includes pop-up boxes with information about various agencies for individuals who indicate that they have engaged in protected activity that may be addressed by an agency other than OSHA. The new form is available in English and Spanish.
Read more on Advanced Safety & Health’s Website here.