Transform Your Team Building With Everything DiSC

Have you ever participated in a team building activity that left you wondering, “What was the point?”

Or maybe you’ve facilitated activities that didn’t achieve the goals you had in mind, resulting in a less than enthusiastic response and mumbled complaints from your team.

Employees and employers alike struggle to enjoy team building exercises, especially when they seem inconsequential to improving the long-term dynamics and effectiveness of the team.

It may seem too good to be true, but team building activities don’t have to be this way! With the right tools, it is possible to help your team develop effective working relationships that will positively impact your company’s culture and productivity.

Below we outline how you can build an effective team with Everything DiSC, an innovative assessment tool, to increase the workplace satisfaction and bottom line of your organization.

An employee development program, Everything DiSC helps you to build more effective working relationships  based on an understanding of different behavioral styles. To learn more about this research-validated tool or other assessment tools that may benefit your team, check out our website here.

If you need additional help building an effective team for your organization, contact us on our website here or give us a call at 877-753-0970.

Transform Your Team Building With Everything DiSC

What Builds A Great Team?

Wouldn’t it be great if building an efficient and productive team required no more than hiring skilled workers with agreeable personalities?

Unfortunately, teams don’t typically function that way. Like any successful relationship, team relationships take thought, effort, and compromise.

Each person has their own manner of doing things, their own preferences, and their own values.

One member of a team might value quality while another might value speed. One member of a team may need frequent feedback while another may prefer independence.

If differences like these are not acknowledged, addressed, and appreciated, conflict inevitably ensues.

Effective team building teaches individuals about one another so that they are equipped to view their differences as a basis for collaboration rather than a source of frustration.

Where Should You Start?

Have you ever wondered why connecting with some people is easier than others?

Or maybe you’ve wondered why some of your employees relate better to certain colleagues or work better in particular environments?

Understanding your own and your employees’ workplace preferences is the first step in developing an effective, productive team.

It would definitely make your job easier if everyone had their preferences written all over them, but your team members’ needs are not always obvious to themselves or others.

So, where should you start?

Everything DiSC is an innovative assessment that provides a wealth of information about each individual’s workplace priorities and preferences, as well as information about working with colleagues whose needs are similar or different from their own.

By utilizing a tool like Everything DiSC, each team member is able to learn about their own workplace preferences as well as the preferences of their teammates, so they can work effectively together.

Check out this short video about the Everything DiSC assessment.

What Is The Everything DiSC Advantage?

While social activities can help co-workers to get to know each other, structured team building is invaluable for initiating productive conversations and deepening the team’s understanding of its strengths and weaknesses.

Unlike a purely social team building event, an Everything DiSC training is a personalized learning experience that helps a team to understand and appreciate the different priorities, preferences, and values each individual brings to the workplace.

Participants have the opportunity to discover their own DiSC style, including the priorities, motivators, and stressors that shape their workplace experience.

They then get to explore other styles, learning about the similarities and differences that exist between them and their colleagues.

With this new-found knowledge, participants work through discussions and activities designed to help teams identify strategies to reduce tension, solve problems, and contribute positively to their organizations.

By combining facilitated classroom training, online pre-work and follow-up tools, you can create an impactful team building experience for your team utilizing Everything DiSC.

See how Everything DiSC facilitates stronger, more efficient work teams in this video.

How Can You Bring Everything DiSC To Your Team?

If you’d like your team to experience the power of Everything DiSC, there are two ways you can bring this team building workshop to your organization.

  1. Integrity HR facilitates a training. Our team of certified, HR professionals would love to facilitate an Everything DiSC workshop for your team. In this workshop, we help your team grow in self-knowledge and engage in dynamic discussions to maximize your overall team relationships and productivity. For more information on having Integrity HR facilitate a training for your team, contact us here.
  1. Integrity HR certifies you to facilitate a training. If you’d like to take your knowledge of Everything DiSC to a deeper level, giving you the expertise and strategies to facilitate sessions in your own organization, then certification may be a good fit for you! We help you to complete your Everything DiSC Workplace Facilitator training, so you can help your team get the most out of a DiSC based culture. For more information on the Everything DiSC Workplace Certification, click here.

With resources like Everything DiSC, it is possible to help your team develop effective working relationships that will positively impact your company’s culture and productivity.

To learn more about this research-validated tool or other assessment tools that may benefit your team, check out our website here.

If you need additional help building an effective team for your organization, contact us on our website here or give us a call at 877-753-0970.

Integrity HR

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